
Sage Bird Ciderworks Golden Hour Cocktail

As the sun begins its descent, usher in the enchanting Golden Hour with a refreshing elixir that effortlessly marries sophistication and simplicity. The preparation is a breeze – a gentle stir to marry the elements, a lemon round delicately run along the glass’s edge, and a final flourish as it joins the elixir. With each sip, immerse yourself in the warmth of the Golden Hour, a cocktail that captures the magic of twilight in every effervescent note.

3 oz of Tonic
3 oz of Long Light
5-7 drops of Fennel extract or Fennel Simple Syrup
Lemon round for garnish

Mixing Instructions: 
Get your favorite cocktail glass and add 3oz tonic, 3oz Long Light, and fennel extract or simple syrup.


Run the lemon round around the edge of the glass and add to drink
