
Lavender Simple Syrup

Making syrups in your favorite flavors might sound complicated, but with this recipe you’ll find it can be easy and simple. Lavender isn’t a flavor you’ll find on the menu of every coffee shop or cocktail bar, but it gives your favorite beverage a unique and delicious flavor. Try adding this simple syrup to your iced drinks and enjoy its earthy, floral flavor.


1 cup water
3 ½ T. lavender buds
2 cups sugar


In a medium pot, bring your water to a rolling boil.

Add your lavender buds and sugar to the pot.

Reduce to low medium-low heat and stir in the sugar until it has dissolved.

Simmer the mixture for 15 minutes uncovered.

Remove the syrup from heat and allow it to steep for an hour, uncovered.
Using a fine strainer or sieve, separate the lavender buds from the syrup.

Put the syrup in a mason jar or container with a strong-sealing lid and refrigerate.

The lavender simple syrup will keep for 1-2 months if well sealed.


Serving Suggestions:

Add 1-2 T of syrup to your iced or hot coffee and stir to combine.

Drizzle it over waffles or pancakes.

Use it in sugar glazes for baked goods.

Add it to fresh lemonade.

Use as a one-to-one replacement for simple syrup in your favorite cocktails.