How to Store Produce

There’s nothing worse than opening your produce drawer and finding a wilting, rubbery, stalk of something that used to be celery. We’ve all done it, and now more than ever, we want to be conscious of how much food we waste. And besides, who likes throwing money down the compost bin?! The Produce Storage Guide […]

Easy Weeknight Gnocchi with Vegetables

This is a super easy recipe to whip up on a weeknight that looks and tastes as if it took you all day. It is healthy and satisfying and with one easy alteration can be made vegetarian if you so desire! So, relax, make use of leftover vegetables you have in your fridge, and cuddle […]

Honey-Sriracha Chicken

This is the perfect dish to make for weekday lunches or indulge in the evening for dinner. It is a well-rounded nutritious meal that is sure to satisfy. Perfect to make when craving your favorite take-out, but not wanting the guilt!   Ingredients 2 cups cubed chicken (1 inch) 1 cup forbidden rice (you can […]