
Lemon Posset

Nobody enjoys a hot kitchen during the peak of summer heat, but this recipe won’t have you making any sacrifices for a scrumptious treat. Similar to a pudding or custard, possets require little heat and some time in the refrigerator to become a creamy, tangy, refreshing dessert. Better yet, depending on the fruit you use, you can pour your posset into its own compostable container. 



3 lemons (medium or large)

¾ cup heavy cream

1.3 cup granulated sugar

2 T lemon juice 

½ T lemon zest (or 1 T if you want stronger lemon flavor)

1 tsp vanilla extract



First, prepare your lemons. Cut them in half lengthwise and scoop out the flesh inside. Don’t throw them away, however, as you’ll use them later. 

Juice one of the lemons and set the juice aside.

Zest one of the lemons and set that aside also. 

In a saucepan, add your lemon zest, heavy cream and sugar. Bring it to a low summer for 3-4 minutes. Don’t allow it to boil.

Remove it from heat and add your lemon juice and vanilla extract. Stir well to combine

Run the posset through a fine mesh sieve to remove the lemon zest. 

Pour the posset into your hollowed-out lemons and allow it to set in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, or overnight if possible. 

Garnish with cut fruit or extra lemon zest and enjoy!