Meet Our Board – Paul Griffin

Meet Board Member Paul Griffin!

Board Member Name:  Paul Griffin

Years of Board Service:  Two Years

Current Board Discussions:  The board is discussing and planning for fall 2024 board member elections. Co-op members interested in running for open board seats can expect to see an updated application package in the next few weeks.  Until then, any questions may be directed to Lindsay Martin, Chair of the Re-election Committee:

Celebrating the Season

My wife and I love every season change here in the valley. We especially enjoy spring! As cyclists, we eagerly await the warm spring weather for riding scenic back roads. One of our current favorites includes a portion of North Mountain Road providing sweeping views of the mountain ranges. During springtime, it seems as if there is something new to see on this road from day to day. A new flower, a new calf, greener pastures, and an occasional bald eagle.

Co-op item I can’t live without…

Our current cycling routes require specialized energy sources.  So, we make frequent trips to the Co-op to stock up on bananas, bars and my current Co-op favorite: Bolt Organic Energy Chews. We do not attempt climbing the hill to North Mountain Road without these energy chews!

Unique Staff Encounters

Recently, we said goodbye to former Front End Team Leader Steph Andrews as she pursues other opportunities. I’ll always remember her unique quips. One such response is meaningful to me.  Ask Steph how she’s doing, and she will likely say that she’s “pretty OK”. Her response always seems to catch me by surprise because when I’m in a check-out line, I am accustomed to receiving replies like “I’m well” or “I’m fine”.  “Pretty OK” reminds me that it’s a blessing to have an average day. Yes, I have the occasional fantastic day or the dreaded terrible day. An average day is actually a very good thing. Thank you, Steph, for the reminder – and good luck in wherever your ventures take you.